Skyquake's Storm Chaser RS-E GS-E JS-E RN NAJ TKI DN DNA-VP
(Gearharts American Hero @ Carat RN HRDIs DNA-VP x ATCHII Gearharts Hart Set On Rio OAP NAJ XF SG ASCA RA FMX TF TKA DNA-VP)

Black Tri female
Red Factored, non-merle (tested m/m)
Eyes: Brown
Tail long, docked
Born: 4/3/17
Height: 17.5" Weight: 38#
Full dentition, scissor bite
MDR1: Clear by Parentage
CEA/CH: Clear by Parentage
prcd/PRA: Clear by Parentage
HSF4/HC: Clear by Parentage
DM: Clear by Parentage
PPG Essential Panel Clear
OFA Hips: Good AS-37354G25F-VPI
OFA Elbows: Normal AS-EL11956F25-VPI
Cerf: Normal/no notations - 2022
CHIC #: 141781
Zumi is my pick from the Ace x Rio litter. She is everything I could have asked for in the cross. Friendly, active, and thoughtful. As a puppy she has excelled at every challenge I put in front of her. She learns quickly and just has an overall exuberance.
Zumi is calm and collected in social situations. She loves greeting visitors at home or out and about. She has a moderate amount of drive and wants to please. Rio is her best buddy and they are always either playing or snuggling. She also LOVES puppies and is gentle with them when they are little and initiates play when they are older.
She has a nice earset, lovely angles and a strong top line.