WTCH ASCA Mjr Ptd Skyquake's Heart of a Pirate AFTDm OFTDsdc HIAsd HSAsdc HTAD3s,ge HTAD2c JHD JS-E RS-N GS-O ASCA RN DM DSA TKN CGC DNA-CP (3 majors/13 points ASCA)
"Davy Jones"
(Nationals Premier HOF ASCA CH WTCH Shiver Me Timbers of Sundance JHD-s, HTAD II-s, HTAD II-ge, HTAD I-c HSAds RA DNA-VP (both AKC majors) x ATCHII Gearharts Hart Set On Rio OAP NAJ XF SG ASCA RA FMX TF TKA DNA-VP)

Davy is my pick from the Pirate x Rio litter. He has strong head and a will to please. He has a wonderful neutral demeanor and can go from laying by my feet to giving me 110% on the agility course in an instant. He is very neutral when out and about and is very non-confrontational with dogs. His goofy attitude and smiles win just about everyone over!
He has drive in spades and works best for a game of tug. His movement is effortless and easy. He has 3 majors and 13 points towards his conformation championship, winning 2 Best Opposite Sex wins over specials along the way.
He was a natural water lover and showed me the sport of dock diving. At 9 weeks old he walked straight off the ramp and started swimming, jumping off the dock was a natural and easy progression! We kept with it as a fun introduction sport for him. His current PB in dock diving is 21' with a season average of 20'1".
April 2023 - Davy won the Most Promising Started Buckle at the ASC of AZ Spring Spectacular event! His first ASCA stock trial! Davy finished his WTCH in December 2024.

Bi Blue Merle Male (m/M268)
Not Red Factored
Eyes: Brown
Tail long, docked
Born: 6/15/2020
Height: 22" Weight: 58#
Full dentition, scissor bite
MDR1: n/n
CEA/CH: Clear by Parentage
prcd/PRA: Clear by Parentage
HSF4/HC: Clear by Parentage
DM: Clear by Parentage
PPG Essential Panel confirmed clear
OFA Hips: Good AS-41737G24M-C-VPI
OFA Elbows: Normal AS-EL15946M24-C-VPI
Cerf: Normal/no notations - 2024
CHIC#: 172186